Friday, March 23, 2012

Spotlght this Week On Goofy Gus (and the Rest of The Alpacas)

The constant rain has soaked the ground but not the Alpacas' moods. Gus in particular will just walk about in the rain although he has shelter available. Versace and Truman usually run for cover but not Gus. He will eventually go into the shed but doesn't seem to care either way. His 'real' name is "Little Peru's Gustav", and I did not name any of my Alpacas. He has a birthday next month (born April 8. 2005). He loves coming in the immediate back yard where I have a new picture of him below checking out the Martha Stewart Outdoor Bar Set. He is the first to venture into this part of the yard but smells the dogs' pee areas and won't graze there. I was hoping he wouldn't be so picky as the grass is starting to grow and he is cheaper than gas for my mower. Gus was actually a 'therapy animal', having visited nursing homes and so on with the previous owners. They would literally put him on a tarp in a minivan and take him to cheer people up! I don't since I don't have a way to transport him and it would be a two person job anyway. Fun fact: whenever Alpacas are taken anywhere, the owner will usually carry a ziplock bag full of their poop. Why? Alpacas will poop in the same (communal) pile so if you take the poop along and drop it where you want them to go, they will go in that same spot. It makes for pretty easy pasture cleanup:), and Alpaca poop can be sold for great fertilizer as it doesn't have to be burned and is great for gardens and landscaping.

Another fun fact (and my excuse for my Alpaca's names, but I love them:). Individual Alpacas can be (mine are) registered with the Alpaca Registry, Inc, where they get their own numbers and so on. It is to Alpacas what the AKC is to dogs.

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