Friday, March 23, 2012

Focus on Funny - Daisy and Might Mo, the Old Married Dog Couple

Daisy and Mo are my Cavaliers which I bought as a breeding pair when they were each about 8 weeks old. They had 9 litters, totalling 45 puppies, and were always (and still are) very much in love. Daisy and Mo are both retired as I don't believe in just having a puppy factory dog, but they were such great parents that I do miss the litters. Yes I said they. Mo would actually help Daisy move the pups on occasion, and Daisy was very trusting with others around her pups. Some dogs are overprotective, while she was overtrusting. A perfect example is a new picture I have below where my cat Sparky (male) climbed into a pet carrier where Daisy had left 2 pups. He just snuggled right in and neither the pups nor Daisy minded.
Gentle as they seem, Mo has a funky quirk. If he gets hold of one of my socks he turns into a totally different animal. See for a full viewing. When it comes to Daisy, she is so laid back but has some wacky hair issues. I have a pic below of her before she was groomed. She gets this tuft of blonde hair on the top of her head which is fun to play with. When she had her litters, she would usually get this hair growth more as she got closer to having her babies. About 2-3 weeks after she had them, it would start to shed?? Weird but cute. Anyway, they are the greatest dogs around kids and I love them to death. I call them the old married couple because where Daisy goes, Mo is sure to follow, and they are always together by choice (I have 3 other dogs, all rescues).
Next week, more on my rescues. Have a great week!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Cathy! Thanks for stopping by my site I just followed yours. I'm so jealous you have so many animals! Must be fun!
