Saturday, March 17, 2012

Alpaca Aches (They are fine, I am sore.)

Well, my 'Alpaca guy' came out this week for the basic body score check and deworming for all 6 of my Alpacas. He is a really nice guy who comes every 6 weeks or so. These critters aren't mean but it is hard to do anything besides feed, water, and enjoy them with only one person. That is why I am sore! Each one is led into a catch pen and I 'hold' them one at a time while Dan 'does the work'. Haha. Trying to hold a 200 pound animal involves muscles that I don't often use, but they are really fairly cooperative and sense that you are trying to help them. While I am holding one, Dan runs his hands down the back, under the belly, around the legs to feel and determine the 'body score'. They have their full coats now so you can't tell just by looking at them. Then the fun starts. We prepare the syringes with the right dose of Ivermec (dewormer) for each one and after their body score is checked, the needle comes out. It burns them a little bit but parasites would be much worse, even fatal. For the most part, they cooperate, but get quite squirmy. That requires a little more effort on my part, especially when they try and 'kush'. I put a picture at the bottom of Versace 'kushing' which is the term used when an Alpaca tries to lay down. Each tried but we kept them up long enough to give them their dosage. Lola got her toes done which was not too bad. She looked like those rich Chinese people (not quite but they were curling out:).)
After the body scores and shots, Dan helped put some pine shavings into the stall areas and the first thing they all did was to roll in them. It stood out most on Titania who is a really pretty dark brown girl. The next time Dan comes out here will be for shearing so I guess we will have to pick the shavings out! It will be a while and my muscles will have recovered! I am not complaining. They are worth it especially when they act like their goofy selves (check out Gus on his hind legs below...)...

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