Monday, April 23, 2012

Alpaca Hair Cuts - Professionals Required !!! OMG

WHAT AN INCREDIBLE DAY! Rob Long at came today to give my Alpaca critters their annual trim and he is awesome. (I call him the Alpaca Whisperer.) Check out the photos below for the visuals on this amazing process where Alpacas are shorn. This is done once a year and does not hurt the animal. I will update next week with the 'after' shots but the pictures below are too cool. Each Alpaca is put next to a 'table' and strapped in before the table is flipped to what looks like a normal table position. Then the Alpaca is trimmed on one side, and flipped to the other side to finish the trim. It is really a site to behold!


  1. Hi a new follower from Mom Blogger Club, please visit my blog
    I am looking forward to reading your blog.

  2. Howdy, I saw you over at PBU. You have one cool Critter Corner!

  3. Hello! I come here from Pet Blogs United!
    I love your blog, i follow you now. Come to visit me on my blog, too?
    Have a nice day.
    Woof, woof,


  4. Hi Y'all,

    Just stopped by to meet y'all! Oskar and Pam told me about y'all. My Humans know some Alpacas but we don't have any. It's just me. I'll be back with my Human in tow to visit!

    Hope you are having a wonderful week!

    Y'all come by now,
    Hawk aka BrownDog
